A short guide to some great online professional development sites.
by Janette Searle
posted on 15th September 2010 on www.creativecollide.com
You know where you want to go but not quite sure how to get there. What ever your plans, dream, great creative idea is a little professional and business development can go a long way to providing you the ladder to get there and means you don't have to scale the wall up like a wannabe spider man.
As a creative professional we're often working on our own or with a small team and apart from clients don't get the opportunity to see many others. So how do you fit in time for your own professional development? How do you make the most of the spare 10 minutes here and 15 minutes there? You get online.
Its the perfect space really because not only can you make the most of the small parcels of time you end up with, but you can tailor your professional development specficially to your needs both in topic and in terms of the depth you want to delve into topics. Online you're also able to grab a taste and if its delicous dive into that area in more depth by attending a course/workshops/seminar or hiring professonal expertise directly.
Here are a few places we've found that can help with your professional development as a creative professional.
The Big idea is based in New Zealand but opens itself up to an international audience. In saying that their focus is hugely New Zealand and this is shown the pariticipation (heavily NZ based), jobs offered (practically NZ based). However, their generator series is pretty relevant where ever you are.
"Generator has resources, tools, case studies and conversations to help business, organisations and practitioners to address issues around their creative lives and work."
This months focus is on money. Kind of a dirty word to some creatives, but a reality for all of us creative professionals. Check it out here. http://www.thebigidea.co.nz/generator
In my search for interesting articles and content I came across this website. http://www.skillset.org/
Full of interesting tips, info and advice - focused on the UK but still has some great info in there for everyone.
This page has some great info on CV writing etc. http://www.skillset.org/careers/working_in_media/article_3735_1.asp
Skillset is the industry body which supports skills and training for people and businesses to ensure the UK creative industries maintain their world class position. If you're working in one of these industries, we have advice and resources to help you take your career to the next level.
And if you're just starting out, you'll find information on all the different jobs out there to help you decide which one is right for you.
QUT - Creative Enterprises Australia
QUT is based and focused on Australia. Their website is great -easy to understand and you can find what you want quickly.
Posted: Wednesday 15 September 2010